NEW MOONS Section Nine of Biblical Holy Days Compiled by Richard C. Nickels Distributed by: Giving & Sharing PO Box 100 Neck City, MO 64849 Revised Edition, copyright 1994 by Sharing & Giving, Inc. Introduction Section Nine of Biblical Holy Days covers the New Moons, an often forgotten special time for the Eternal's People. Sabbath-keepers seldom mention the New Moons, in spite of the fact that the Bible frequently mentions the New Moons. The Bible directly links the Sabbaths, Holy Days, and New Moons as three classifications of special times for the Almighty's people. There is much to learn about this forgotten divine appointment. New Moons "Then Solomon offered burnt offerings unto the Lord on the altar of the Lord, which he had built before the porch, Even after a certain rate every day, according to the commandment of Moses, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts, three times in the year, even in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles," II Chronicles 8:12-13. "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith the Lord," Isaiah 66:23. "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days; Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ," Colossians 2:16-17. New Moons: Significance for Christians Today Are you keeping all of God's appointed times? Should the New Moons be observed by Christians today? What is the meaning of New Moons? Should the follower of God know and use God's calendar? We Must Grow in Truth All true Christians desire to get back to "the faith once delivered," Jude 3, and recapture the full truth of God. In doing this, one must remember that we must tenaciously cling to the initial beliefs revealed to us at baptism, Hebrews 3:14. If others throw these truths aside, we must instead undauntedly hold onto them. Yet there is more! We must "go on unto perfection," Hebrews 6:1. Not falling from steadfastness in our original beliefs, "but grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," II Peter 3:17-18. "Growth" is defined as "adding thereto," see Colossians 1:10. Not throwing away what spiritual understanding one already has. The Sabbath and the Holy Days have been and are attacked by some, watered down by others. Jesus said that His faithful servants would be keeping them in their seasons, Matthew 24:44-46. Yet there is more! God has a third type of day He wants us to observe, in addition to Sabbaths and Holy Days. His Word does not leave us any doubt. There are many things that we need to come to understand and put into practice in our lives, in order to come to the fullness of the stature of Christ, Ephesians 4:13. Those who think they have all the truth are headed toward complacency, and ultimately will lose what truth they once had, Luke 19:20-27. Instead of fighting "windmill battles" of re-studying doctrines to question their validity, which we should have proven once and for all years ago, let us instead shift our efforts toward growth and overcoming, LIVING by every Word of God, Luke 4:4. We should have known many more things than we presently do. Let us confess our sins as Nehemiah did, Nehemiah 1:6-7, and turn to God as never before, seeking to keep all His statutes, judgments and commandments. Only by doing this will God truly work a work through us, II Chronicles 15:1-15. Only by doing this will we be spared from the horrendous and terrifying events destined to befall the world in these last days. The New Moons have much to do with such principles as Luke 21:36, as well as our entire covenant relationship with God. Will we learn the lesson God wants us to learn from the New Moons, or will we instead scoff and ridicule? For those of a poor and contrite heart who tremble at God's Word, Isaiah 66:2, persecution and ridicule may come for obeying God's simple instructions, such as worshipping God every Sabbath and New Moon, see Isaiah 66:23. When the Eternal appears, it will be to the joy of the righteous and the shame and ignominy of the wicked, Isaiah 66:5. Let God's Word judge us, not men, Colossians 2:16-17. Why Did God Make the Sun and the Moon? Genesis 1:14-18, "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons [Hebrew moed, used in Leviticus 23 and elsewhere to refer to God's Holy Days], and for days, and years . . . . And God made two great lights; the greater light for the rule of the day [margin] and the lesser light [Hebrew maor, bright light,' from ohr, light'] for the rule of the night; He made the stars also." The moon is the "lesser light," and the word "lesser" is from the Hebrew gaton, derived from guwt, "to be grieved, to loathe the self." Are we little, gaton, in our own eyes, I Samuel 1 5:17? The moon is a little light, with an awesome purpose. Selfless, it only reflects the brightness of the sun. God compares Himself to the "Sun of righteousness," Malachi 4:2. We are to be like the moon, reflecting His glory. We can only do this if we remain little in our eyes, loathing ourselves. Christ is "the true light, which lights every man that comes into the world," John 1:9. His very first words on the first day of creation were "Let there be light," Genesis 1:3. Light comes from God. Specifically, one of the purposes for which God made the moon, and the sun, is to delineate His Holy Day seasons, in order to demonstrate His plan and purpose for mankind. Are we acting out fully the plan God has laid out for us? Should the Moon TEACH Us Something? The Bible has five primary words for "moon," "new moon," and "month." Information is provided for your personal study: (1) Hodesh, "new moon" or "month," is the primary Old Testament word. It is #2320 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and located on pages 404-405 in the Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance (EHC). Hodesh or Chodesh comes from(#2318 Strong's) chadash, "to be new, to rebuild, renew, repair." What new thing does the moon remind us of? (2) Yerach and yareach, "month" or "moon," (#3391 and 3394 in Strong's, pages 564-565 in EHC) is similar to the Hebrew word "teach," yahrah, Isaiah 2:3. What is it that the New Moon should teach us? (3) Lebanah, "the moon," (Strong`s #3842, EHC p. 632) is from the word laban, "white," which is the symbol of purity and righteousness, Revelation 19:8. (4) Seleence is a Greek word used in the New Testament for "moon" (Strong's #4582, Englishman's Greek Concordance (EGC), page 684). A form of this word is seleeniazomai, "lunatic," or "moonstruck" (Strong's #4523, EGC page 684). If we learn the wrong lesson from the moon, we could lose our spiritual sanity. (5) Meen or men, "moon" (Strong's #3376, EGC page 499) is a New Testament word used frequently. Some of its forms are: noumenia, "new moon," (Strong's #3561, EGC page 519), tetramenon, "four months," and trimenon, "three months." SUMMARY: A study of the above words forms the basis for this article. The definition of the words for "moon" and "new moon" show that we are to learn an uplifting lesson of righteousness from these physical things that God has ordained. Has God REVEALED His Manner of Keeping Time? Genesis 7:11 states, "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." This is the first time the Bible mentions the Sacred Calendar. The second month, or hodesh, is in progress. Noah knew the proper month according to God's manner of keeping time. He was able to pass on this information to his righteous descendents. Events concerning the dates of various aspects of the flood are meticulously laid out, Genesis 8:4, 5, 13, 14. Abraham, a righteous descendent of Noah, kept God's commandments, statutes and laws, Genesis 26:5. Shem, son of Noah, lived during Abraham's time. He must have passed on this calendar information that God had revealed from the beginning. Like tithing, Genesis 14:20. God's monthly cycle is revealed in the Bible as an on-going practice. Most likely, it was revealed in the Garden of Eden when God instructed Adam and Eve. On a specific day God made a covenant with Abraham, promising his descendents the land from the river of Egypt to the River Euphrates, Genesis 15:18. He let Abraham know that his descendents would be strangers and be afflicted 400 years, afterwards coming out with great substance, verses 13-14. On this selfsame day 430 years later, Israel came out of Egypt, Exodus 12:40-42. This was the month Abib, Exodus 13:4, of which God said, "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year [literally: the first in the moons of the year'] to you," Exodus 12:2. We are to "Observe the month of Abib, and keep the Passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night," Deuteronomy 16:1. One cannot observe the month of Abib without knowing God's calendar which tells when that month begins. "And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the Passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians," Numbers 33:3. This is the "night to be much observed unto the LORD," Exodus 12:42. In calling Israel out of Egypt, the first thing that God revealed of His laws was the true solar-lunar calendar. Even before God instructed Israel concerning the Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread, the Sabbath, and the other commandments and statutes, He reiterated that Abib was the beginning of months, of moons, Exodus 12:1-2. The keeping of proper time is just that important to God, Genesis 2:14. The proper keeping of time according to God's way has never been lost! Jesus observed the Holy Days according to the same Sacred Calendar we have today. Unto the Jews has been committed for safe-keeping this divinely-revealed truth, Romans 3:1-2, Deuteronomy 29:29. How Many Different Types of Days Has God Ordained? God has ordained three distinct types of days which He wants us to observe: (1) weekly Sabbaths, (2) New Moons, and (3) Feast Days, or Holy Days. Read Colossians 2:16-17. Notice that the "is" of verse 17 is in italics, and is not part of the original Greek. These verses say: "Don't let any man judge you, but let the body of Christ -- His Word -- do the judging," in regards to Holy Days, New Moons and Sabbaths. Now turn to I Chronicles 23:31. Special burnt sacrifices were offered on these three special times, Numbers 28:3, 9, 11, 19, 26-27; also see II Chronicles 2:4, 8:12-13, 31:3, Ezra 3:4-5, Nehemiah 10:33. Are burnt offerings necessary today? Daniel 9:26-27, Hebrews 10:1-14. What kind of sacrifices does God require of us? I Peter 2:5, Romans 12:1-2. HOW Are New Moons to be Observed? Read Numbers 10:10. Trumpets were to be blown on the Sabbaths and "solemn days [moed, appointed times]" and New Moons as an integral part of the burnt offerings and sacrifices of those days. Also see Numbers 28:11, 14. Some have argued that since sacrifices were given on the New Moons and Feast Days that we no longer have to observe these days. If this were true, then the Sabbath is not to be observed either, because special sacrifices were commanded on every Sabbath also, Numbers 28:9-10. Were sacrifices and burnt offerings originally a part of these days? Jeremiah 7:22-23, Galatians 3:19, and Hebrews 10:8. Were the New Moons to be times of gladness? Psalms 81:1-3. Is the observance of New Moons part of God`s statutes and laws? Verse 4. Are we to remember these statutes? Malachi 4:4. New Moons were a time of assembly of the whole congregation, Numbers 1:1, 18, 10:2. A time to meet together to decide a religious question, Ezra 10:16-17. King Saul had a special gathering each New Moon, at which David was expected to attend, I Samuel 20:5, 18, 24. The New Moon with the Sabbath was a time to seek fellowship and be taught by a man of God, II Kings 4:23, the case of the Shunammite and Elisha. Isn't the New Moon somewhat like the Sabbath, in that full-scale pursuit of work is not to be done? Amos 8:4-5. NOTE: The Bible does not command cessation of work on the New Moons (except the Holy Day of Trumpets). New Moons are a time to seek God, fellowship with others if possible, spend extra time in prayer and Bible Study. Will the New Moons Be Observed During the Millennium? After the devastation of the Day of the LORD, Isaiah 66:15-16, God says, verse 23, "and it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD." Like the weekly Sabbath, the monthly New Moon is to be a time of religious assembly and worship. Unlike the Sabbath, the New Moons are not days on which servile work is prohibited. Ezekiel chapters 40-47 give a prophecy of the re-established Temple during the Millennium, when God brings Israel again out of captivity and puts His Spirit in them, Ezekiel 39:25, 29. The Eternal will then dwell in Jerusalem for ever, Ezekiel 43:9, 48:35. At this time, the Feasts, New Moons and Sabbaths shall be kept, all three types of days, Ezekiel 45:17. The eastern gate of the inner court of the rebuilt Temple will be shut six days, but opened on the Sabbath and also the New Moon, Ezekiel 46:1. People of the land will worship before the Eternal on the Sabbaths and on the New Moons, Ezekiel 46:3. Again, the sacrifices of the New Moons, Sabbaths and Feasts will be instituted, Ezekiel 46:6, 11-12, for those who must have a schoolmaster to bring them unto Christ, Galatians 3:24. Those who have accepted Christ and are living by faith, will they also offer animal sacrifices? See Galatians 3:25-27. What is the Spiritual Significance of the Moon? The moon is God's primary indicator of His Holy Days, Hebrew moed in Psalms 104:19 and Genesis 1:14. It is a reminder that God will fight for us, just as He did in Joshua`s Long day, Joshua 10:13-14. He will preserve us from evil so that we will not be smitten by His plagues on the unjust, Psalms 121:1-8, 91:5-14. The moon reminds us that man is a worm, just as the moon is not clean in God's sight, so we are unclean before the Eternal. All must be cleaned up, Job 25:4-6. The moon reminds us of the purpose for which God created man: to rule with Him and become sons in His Kingdom, Psalms 8:3-6, Hebrews 2:6-8. Israel was delivered from Egypt under the light of the full moon of the first month. Do we remember this when we see the full moon on the Night To Be Much Remembered? Exodus 12:2, 41-42, Deuteronomy 16:1. The moon and stars rule by night, showing that God's mercy endures forever, Psalms 136:9. To those chastened by God, their days of life become months of vanity unless they learn their lesson, Job 7:3, 29:2. A month is representative of the time to bewail dead family, relatives, and forget our past ways, Deuteronomy 21:10-13, Isaiah 45:10. God knows exactly the number of months the wild goats take to deliver their young, Job 39:1-2. He even knows the number of months of a man`s life, Job 14:5, 21:21. Though we don't know these things, what should we do? Psalms 90:10-16. We need God's help to learn the lesson we're supposed to from our trials. The sun, moon, and stars praise the Eternal and tell of his power, Psalms 148:3. Why don't we? The moon reminds us of God's blessings to Joseph, Deuteronomy 33:13-14. A month, or moon, is symbolic of a time of punishment upon shepherds that do not feed the flock, Zechariah 11:3-17. Is the Moon a Symbol, or Witness? The moon is symbolic of God's lasting covenant with Israel and David, despite their sins, and ours, Psalms 89:3-4, 27-37, Job 16:19, Jeremiah 31:35-37, 33:20-26. It is also symbolic of the eternal endurance of Christ's Kingdom, Psalms 72:1-11. Is Worship of the Sun, Moon and Stars Condemned? Even thought the moon is a reminder of our deliverance from Egypt, we are never to worship the sun, moon and stars, Deuteronomy 4:14-20. Under the civil government of the nation of Israel, what was the penalty for worshipping the sun, moon and of the host of heaven? Deuteronomy 17:2-5. Was worship of the sun, moon and stars part of the false system of Baal worship? II Kings 23:5, 11. Notice the marginal note for the word "planets." What is meant is the twelve signs, or constellations, the twelve signs of zodiac, the foundation for astrology. Is the end result of such worship demon-possession, lunacy? Matthew 4:24, 17:15. The word for lunatic is seleeniazomai, moon struck. Job knew that kissing the hand in worshipping the moon was an iniquity to be punished by the judge, for worship of the sun and moon is a denial of God, Job 31:26-28. NOTE: the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary under Job 31:26 states that Sabaism (from tsaba, the heavenly hosts) was the earliest form of false worship. In contradistinction, God is called "Lord of Sabaoth, or Hosts." God made the heavenly hosts, He, and not they, are to be worshipped. Jamieson notes that our planetary week of Sun-day, Mon-day show traces of Sabaisin, or worship of the heavenly host. Our present planetary week is of Greek origin, with traces of Babylonian influence. The names of the days of the week correspond to the seven greatest lights or "stars" one of which was thought to "rule" each day of the week. These astral bodies were held to the gods and worshipped. English names for the days of the week were derived from the Saxons, who renamed the Greek/Latin gods after their own. LATIN SAXON ENGLISH Dies Solis Sun's Day Sunday Dies Lunae Moon's Day Monday Dies Martes (Mars) Tiw's Day Tuesday Dies Mercurii (Mercury) Woden's Day Wednesday Dies Jovis (Jupiter) Thor's Day Thursday Dies Venens (Venus) Frigg's Day Friday Dies Saturni (Saturn) Seterne's Day Saturday The western calendar in use today is of Roman origin. The names of the months were given to reflect either a Roman god (January-Janus, two faced god, February-februarius, Roman feast of purification held on February 15. March-Mars, god of war, April-aprills, from Greek Aphrodite, goddess of love, May-Main, goddess associated with Vulcan, June-Juno, a Roman goddess) or Roman emperor (July-Julius Caesar, August-Augustus Caesar) or the number of the month (September-the seventh month, October, November, December, the eighth, ninth and tenth months). Originally, March was the first month, and February was the last month (with the intercalary February 29 added at the end of the year). In 153 B.C., January was recognized as the first month. Julius Caesar reformed the old Roman calendar in 45 B.C., and Pope Gregory further modified it in 1582 which is the system used by most of the world today. Pagan to the core, the calendar and planetary week of the world masks and precludes the true Sacred Calendar God wants us to follow, to keep in mind His Sabbath, Feast Days and New Moons. Is it a light thing in the sight of God to so worship the sun, moon and host of heaven? Ezekiel 8:16-18. Does God want us to remain in an observance of such days, months, times and years? Galatians 4:8-11. What instead does God want us to observe? Leviticus 23:2. Does God begin His year with January 1? Exodus 12:2, 13:4. Will God Punish For Worshipping the Heavenly Host? The sun will be darkened, stars and moon will not give their light because of sin, Isaiah 13:9-13, Ezekiel 32:7-8, Joel 2:10-11, 13, 3:15, Habakkuk 3:11-12, Acts 2:20, Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:12, 8:12. What shall we do now, before God's intervention in world affairs? Ecclessiastes 12:1-2. What will also happen at a slightly different time? Isaiah 30:26, Revelation 16:8-9. Will astrologers be able to save us? Isaiah 47:13. What is God's punishment for those who have loved, served and walked, after the sun, moon, and host of heaven? Jeremiah 8:1-3. Does God even scold his own people for not knowing His times? Jeremiah 8:7. Yet do they claim to have God`s law? Verse 8. NOTE: The word for "appointed times" in verse 7 is moed, the same word used for God's Holy Days, Leviticus 23:2. A "dumb" stork knows itstime to migrate, the time to bear its young, yet some of God's own people don't know His judgments, His times. Why? Because they are observing wrong days, times, months, and years, Galatians 4:8-11. God Hates Corruption of Sabbaths, Feast Days, New Moons Is God angry at corrupted observance of His times? Isaiah 1:10-15. Will there be a small remnant who shall nevertheless remain faithful? Verse 9. Will God cause polluted observance of His days to cease? Hosea 2:6-13, Amos 8:4-10. Are these events destined to occur in the last days, just prior to Christ's Kingdom being established? Isaiah 2:2, Hosea 2:18, Amos 8:9, 11. What Will Happen to the Sun and Moon in God's Kingdom? How will the moon and sun be confounded in that day? Isaiah 24:23, Isaiah 60:1-22. Will there be need of the light of the sun and the moon? Revelation 22:3-5. Yet will there still be a sun and moon, and twelve months in the year? Verses 1-2. Why? Genesis 1:14, God's times will continue to be delineated by the sun and moon to tell us when His times and seasons occur. Did God's Prophets and Servants Know His Days and Times? Visions of God came often to Ezekiel. He knew the date of these visions according to God's calendar, Ezekiel 1:1-2, 8:1, 20:1, 24:1, 26:1, 29:1, etc. Haggai also marked the time when God directed him, Haggai 1:1, 15, 2:1, 20. So did Zechariah, Zechariah 1:1, 7, 7:1 and Daniel, Daniel 10:4-7. NOTE: God spoke to and led men who followed His manner of keeping time. He still does, Malachi 3:6. Not once did one of His prophets say, "On April 15, God's word came unto me." Storks know their times. Do we know God's times? Consider well Jeremiah 8:7. Is the Moon Symbolic of the Christian Church? Do the sun, moon, and stars show that there will be a difference in the resurrection from the dead? I Corinthians 15:35-44. How is God's Church through the ages symbolically pictured? Revelation 12:1. Of what does "the moon under her feet" remind us? Psalms 8:3-6. NOTE: All things, Hebrews 2:6-8, will eventually be placed under those who become part of the Church and the Family of God. "But now we see not yet all things put under him, (man)" Hebrews 2:8, last part. In preparation for rulership over all things, the Church is to shine like the sun, Matthew 5:16. The moon is to be under her feet. The Church is to "walk" or follow, God's Sabbaths, Holy Days and New Moons so as to prepare to rule the very astral bodies in the future. The sun and moon determine these times God wants us to follow. Only those who have "the moon under their feet," who walk the way of God's appointed times, moed, will be part of the glorious resurrection, to shine like the sun and the moon and the stars, I Corinthians 15:40-44. How did Solomon picture the glorified resurrected Church? Song of Solomon 6:10. How did Daniel represent her? Daniel 12:2-3. CONCLUSION: Do You Stop With the Sabbath and Holy Days? Some professing Christians observe none of God's appointed times. Instead, they keep Sunday, Easter, Christmas, and other days steeped in pagan customs. Others observe only the weekly Sabbath, maintaining that the Feast Days were nailed to the cross. Still others observe the weekly Sabbath plus Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month of God's calendar. For these, however, the Holy Days are not for the "Christian Dispensation." Finally there are those who observe the weekly Sabbath, Passover, and Holy Days. Yet most of these latter groups observe Passover and/or Pentecost on an incorrect date. Like sheep, all mankind has gone astray. The question has been asked, "Do you stop with the weekly Sabbath and Passover?" The world only sees a dead Christ on the cross, and has not come out of sin nor received the Holy Spirit to put away sin (pictured by the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost, I Corinthians 5:7-8, Acts 2:1-4. The Sabbath, Passover, and the Holy Days are definitely for the Christian. But is that all? What about the New Moons, also appointed times of the Eternal God? The true God doesn't change His appointments, Malachi 3:6. New Moons were, are, and will be, observed by true followers of God, Psalms 81:3-4, Isaiah 66:23. Down through the ages, certain followers of God have remembered the first day of each month as a special time of prayer, study and worship of the Eternal God. Some in the Church of God, Seventh Day observed the New Moons in the mid-1920's (see Remnant of Israel, December 1927). It is a little-known fact that Herbert W. Armstrong conducted Bible Studies on each New Moon during the early years of his work. In subsequent years this practice was discontinued. Much later, the practice of keeping New Moons was even ridiculed. For those who wish to obey God completely, the monthly New Moon remains "a faithful witness in heaven," of God's sure promises and man's need of repentance, Psalms 89:37. The blast of the Levitical trumpet signified the beginning of a new month, Numbers 10:1-10. The New Moon should remind the true Christian of the return of Jesus Christ, Joel 2:1, 10-11, when He will make all things new, Acts 3:19-21 and Revelation 21:5. The New Moon should remind us of our imperative need to repent and turn to God now, Joel 2:12-15, so we will be spared during the terrible Day of the Eternal, verse 17. After God's people do this, God will pour out His Spirit among His remnant people, Joel 2:28-32. These are they who undauntedly keep the Holy Days, New Moons and Sabbaths of the Eternal, regardless of what other men say, Colossians 2:16-17. These are they who keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus, ever growing in the truth of God, recapturing lost truths, earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Not stopping with merely the Sabbath and the Holy Days, the true follower of God must grow to have ALL of God's laws written in his heart and soul. With God's help he strives to obey all of God's perfect, immutable laws of liberty. History repeats itself. God's people have forgotten Him and most of His laws and statutes for days without number, Jeremiah 2:32. the unconverted know and observe the days of this world, steeped in paganism. God's people should know and observe the Eternal's days. Yet, paradoxically, those who claim to be God's people are often strangers to the days God has ordained. They can tell you when Christmas and New Year's Day are, but not God's Holy Days, nor His New Moons, nor His New Year. Today is very much as it was in the year 230 A.D., when the Catholic Tertullian wrote: "By us, who are strangers to Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals, once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia (Christmas), the feasts of January, the Brumalia, and Matronalia are now frequented; gifts are carried to and fro, new year's day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians" (from Tertullian's De Idolatrica, c. 14, volume i., page 682, cited in Hislop's The Two Babylons, page 93). Those now made nigh unto God through the blood of Christ must not be strangers to His statutes which form the basis of our covenant with God, Ephesians 2:11-13, 19. Let us keep all of God's statutes binding upon us today, including the New Moons.ê NOTE: In order to follow God's calendar and observe the New Moons and Holy Days, be sure to read the companion article, "How Does God's Calendar Work?"